Building Capacity for Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition Training in Côte d’Ivoire
Building Capacity for Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition Training in Côte d’Ivoire
Since the 2019 season, the APNI West Africa Program, in partnership with the Federation of Maize Growers in Côte d’Ivoire (FEMACI), has been carrying out nutrient omission trials to diagnose the state of soil fertility in six regions of Côte d’Ivoire. The participatory and diagnostic approach gives producers the opportunity to learn by doing, by being involved in the conduct and monitoring of trials, and in decision-making.
The “training of trainers” session held in Yamoussoukro on “Nutrient Omission Trial Set-up, Monitoring and Evaluation” focused on building the regional capacity to conduct nutrient omission trials, which are an effective field research design and learn-by-demonstration tool. Twenty-eight (28) participants represented the six Côte d’Ivoire regions of Bagoué, Poro and Tchologo in the North; Gbêkê in the Center; and Marahoué and Haut-Sassandra in the Center West.
Participants in the Train the Trainer workshop on conducting Nutrient Omission Trials held in Yamoussoukro.
In order to first lay the foundations for a successful new season, the program reviewed both the successes and failures during the previous season. The session combined presentations, brainstorming, group exercises, and shared knowledge and experience under the supervision of APNI staff Dr. Kokou A. Amouzou, Program Coordinator and Dr. Thérèse Atcham Agneroh, Program Manager; and Mr. Eugène N’Zi , President of FEMACI.
Participants received training and later practiced modules on:
- Identifying and selecting maize producers
- Selecting and assessing technical service providers for maize producers
- Assessing the level of mastery of the trials achieved, and the effectiveness of participation within the demonstration platforms by members of the cooperatives
- Conducting Farmer Field Schools (FFS)
- Soil fertility assessment using nutrient omission trials
Participants viewed the session as effective in improving their knowledge in nutrient omission trial set up, monitoring and evaluation.
This program is supported by the UM6P-OCP-APNI Collaborative Program on Soil Nutrient Management in West Africa.
APNI Contributors: Kokou A. Amouzou, Program Coordinator, West Africa; Thérèse Atcham Agneroh, Program Manager, West Africa.