Correct answers are indicated in green.

Module 1: Right Source Quiz

1. Which are the 4R rights of fertilizer management?

a) Right fertilizer, right seed, right time, right place.
b) Right time, right source, right farm, right place.
c) Right source, right rate, right time, right place.
d) Right source, right rate, right time, right price.

2. What does the right source mean?
a) Applying the right amount of fertilizer and organic nutrient resources.
b) Applying fertilizers and organic resources at the right time.
c) Applying fertilizers and organic resources in the right place.
d) Applying the correct fertilizer and organic nutrient resources.

3. Which of the following is not one of the core scientific principles that define right source?

a) Apply only plant-available forms of nutrients.
b) Suit soil physical and chemical properties.
c) Avoid applying associated elements.
d) Ignore blend compatibility.

4. An element is considered essential to plant growth if

a) The soil contains only small amounts of it.
b) Plants require it in its elemental form.
c) It is capable of being taken up by plants.
d) All plants require it to complete their life cycle.

5. Which one of the following is not a macronutrient?

a) Nitrogen
b) Calcium
c) Zinc
d) Potassium

6. Which one of the following is not a micronutrient?

a) Iron
b) Magnesium
c) Boron
d) Copper

7. Which one of the following is a straight fertilizer?

a) DAP
c) CAN
d) NPK

8. Compound fertilizers can be useful for

a) Single-nutrient applications.
b) Supplying differing ratios of nutrients to meet specific needs.
c) Eliminating potential segregation of nutrients.
d) Supplying macronutrients without micronutrients.

9. What are the nutrient contents of a fertilizer labeled as 10-23-12-5S?

a) 10% N, 10% P, 10% K and 5%S
b) 10% N, 23% P, 12% K and 5%S
c) 10% N, 23% P, 10% K and 5%S
d) 10% N, 10% P, 10% K and 0.5%S

10. What would be the proper labeling for a fertilizer that contains 7% Sulphur, 13% Phosphorus, 12% Nitrogen and 15% Potassium to the nearest decimal?

a) 7-13-12-15S
b) 7S-30P-12N-15K
c) 12N-30 P2O5-18 K2O-7S
d) 12-30-18-7S