Assessment and Validation of Nutrient Expert for Fertilization Recommendations of Maize in Senegal


Assessment and Validation of Nutrient Expert for Fertilization Recommendations of Maize in Senegal

Theme: Precision Nutrient Management
Start Date: 2019
End Date: 2020



Supported by


Main Collaborators


Target Crops


Target Countries



Maize is the third largest crop grown in Senegal after millet and sorghum. However, the grain yield of maize remains low, and total maize grain production is still insufficient to meet the national demand. Many factors contribute to this apparent yield gap including the under use of fertilizers and the lack of adoption of best nutrient management practices. The optimization of maize fertilization is among the bundle of solutions needed to improve maize yields and farm profits.

The Nutrient Expert (NE), first developed by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), has been proven as a fertilizer decision support tool that is able to achieve best outcomes in many field conditions throughout Asia and Africa. After an initial phase of development for the beta version of NE for maize in Senegal, this second phase will begin the field validation research required for the tool. This project will also begin to build the capacity of Senegal’s national partners to extend the adoption of the NE tool.

Global Objective

Intensify the production of maize through efficient use of nutrients based on the recommendations of the Nutrient Expert decision support tool.

Activity 1: Calibration and validation of Nutrient Expert for maize through on-farm and experimental station trials.

Activity 2: Assessment of the response of maize to N, P and K through omission nutrient trials.

Activity 3: Organization of field days and training programs for farmers and extension agents.