Joses Muthamia

Joses Muthamia

Agronomist & Doctoral Student
Joses Muthamia is an Agronomist at the African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI), based in Nairobi, Kenya. His doctoral research is on on-farm experimentation and enhancing the adoption and scaling of soil fertility, nutrient management and climate-smart technologies in smallholder farming systems of Kenya.
  • LOCATION: University of Embu, Kenya

Joses was born and brought up in rural Kenya. He holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and a M.Sc. in Agroforestry and Rural Development, both from Kenyatta University, Kenya. Joses has over 10 years of experience working with farmers in development, testing and dissemination of soil fertility and nutrient management practices in Kenya and regionally. Prior to joining APNI, Joses worked as an agronomist with International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) for 5 years. He also worked for 3 years as a soil scientist and project coordinator at Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services – Nairobi, and for 5 years as a Research Assistant at Kenyatta University. Joses has also gained valuable knowledge and experience while working regionally on various projects on soil fertility, plant nutrition, and development and implementation of fertilizer recommendations in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania.