Media Release
Rob Mikkelsen
Director of Communications
New African Plant Nutrition Research Fund Opens Initial Call for Proposals
Benguérir, Morocco — 5 November, 2020 — The African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) has announced a new research fund in support of plant nutrition research in Africa. The African Plant Nutrition Research Fund was created through partnership between the African Plant Nutrition Institute and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (
The African Plant Nutrition Research Fund invites preliminary project proposals that benefit African agriculture. The preliminary proposals will be screened and a selected number of the preliminary proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Call release date: 5 November, 2020
Proposal Deadline: 21 December, 2020 (23:59 East African Time)
2020 Priority Funding Areas
The African Plant Nutrition Research Fund invites preliminary project proposals in three priority areas:
1. Weather-sensitive nutrient management solutions for cereal-based and tree-based cropping systems.
Examples include:
- Adapting crop nutrition practices to variable weather and climate change to address stress conditions
- Weather forecasts and fertilizer recommendations; using digital technology for improved crop nutrition
2. The role of plant nutrition for improved system health in the soil-crop-livestock-human continuum.
Examples include:
- Crop nutrition impacts on soil, animal, and human health
- Integrated soil fertility management in mixed crop-livestock systems
- Assessing and managing crop nutrition in non-responsive soils and rehabilitating degraded soils
3. Big data aggregation and analysis for assessment of crop yield and nutrient response.
Examples include:
- Using weather and climate data to improve crop management and yields
- Synthesis of crop and yield data for predictive models supporting improved nutrient management
- Data acquisition and synthesis leading to understanding nutrient removal/partitioning in perennial cropping systms
Funding for this Call
Grant funding of no more than $50,000 USD per year for up to three years is typical for projects. Projects requesting more than $50,000 or lasting longer than three years will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Proposals that leverage additional sources of funding are strongly encouraged.
Additional Guidance
- The lead applicant must be from an African NARES institution (National Agricultural Research and Extension System) or African university.
- Partnerships with other African or international organizations will be viewed favorably.
- The proposed work must be primarily performed in Africa and all the work must be relevant to African agriculture.
- For-Profit partners in a research consortium must match the requested funding 1:1.
- We do not support proprietary product development, testing or promotions.
How to Apply
Preliminary research proposals are due by Monday, December 21. No exceptions will be granted.
The proposal must be submitted via the website Emailed, mailed or faxed proposals will not be accepted. If there are difficulties with the website, contact
About the African Plant Nutrition Institute
The African Plant Nutrition Institute is a not-for-profit research and education organization based in Benguérir, Morocco with additional offices located in Settat, Morocco; Nairobi, Kenya; and Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. APNI’s mission is to innovate plant nutrition through evidence-based practices for a resilient and food-secure Africa.