Now Available: Proceedings for 3rd African Conference on Precision Agriculture

The proceedings for the 3rd African Conference on Precision Agriculture (AfCPA 2024), held December 3-5 in Marrakech, Morocco, is now available to download or search online.

The AfCPA 2024 proceedings contains the papers submitted from the 3-day event. Information covers a wide range of PA topics including: Adoption of Precision Agriculture; Climate Smart Agriculture; Economics of Precision Agriculture; Education and Engagement Innovations; On-Farm Experimentation; Precision Agriculture for Small Holders; Precision Agriculture for Treecrops; Precision Nutrient Management; Precision Water Management; Proximal and Remote Sensing; and Robotics, Automation and Small Farm Mechanization

The digital booklet (pdf) is available from the conference website or the APNI website, or you can search the entire collection of papers directly from