Growing Africa Released!

Our latest issue of Growing Africa, a semi-annual publication providing actionable scientific information on plant nutrition for Africa, is now available.


Inside this issue …

Implementing carbon finance to foster benefits of diversified cropping within a coffee-growing landscape

A case study comparing historical influences and outcomes for sustainable intensification of robusta coffee in Africa and Asia

Exploration of novel fertilizer source x timing combinations for maize in Nigeria.

An example of farmer-led ingenuity for farm equipment adaptation to further inspire large scale adoption of conservation agriculture in Morocco.

Plus, as is tradition, we wrap up our annual photo contest with our winners… and we give a nod to our full 2024 cohort of Excel Africa Award recipients!

The issue can be found at the publication’s website

We encourage submissions and you are most welcome to reach out to us! Our author’s guide is available at our website and you can also contact us directly at