About the Award
Awards of USD $5,000 each are available to up to five full-time scientists working in an African NARES institution (National Agricultural Research and Extension System) or African university.
The award encourages scientific programs focused on understanding and improving phosphorus (P) management in Africa’s field or tree crop agroecosystems.
- Applicants must be full time scientists working at an African NARES institution or university. Applications from scientists in Post Doctorate positions are also eligible for this award. Only applicants who have completed their Ph.D. program will be considered.
- Applicants must submit a creative proposal that addresses current knowledge gaps or synthesizes existing information leading to improved P management. Of particular interest are proposals that can address P management in combination with at least one of APNI’s high priority topics below:
- 4R Nutrient Stewardship (e.g., matching crop growth dynamics with P applications based on adjustments in source, rate, time, or placement)
- Carbon farming (e.g., biomass turn over and P applications)
- Soil health (e.g., residue management and soil P status, innovative P use and cropping system diversification, P management and dynamics in no-till systems, management of P in problem soils such as high P-fixing soils)
- Precision farming (e.g., innovations in addressing P variability at field scale)
- Evidence of any scientific partnerships and institutional collaboration will be reviewed favourably. Female scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
In order to complete the application process, you will need to submit the following in either English or French:
- A description of how the Fellowship will lead to improved understanding of P management in agricultural systems. This should outline any new research, data synthesis, or travel that will be supported with the Fellowship funds. Include sufficient detail that will permit evaluation of its originality, innovative approach, and relevance.
- Electronic copy of two letters of support, one of which must be from the applicant’s supervisor. Letters must be signed and written on official letterhead and include the phone number and e-mail address of the letter writer.
- A resume that includes date of birth, academic degrees, and any relevant publications dealing with P behaviour in soil, water or plants.
- A short report will be required at the end of the award period that describes how the funds were used to support the outcomes of the proposal.
- Upload all documents during the online application process. The application is only available on-line at: www.apni.net/P-Fellowship-apply
Check back for details for the 2025 program.
Questions can be sent to info@apni.net