Validation and Dissemination of Nutrient Expert for Farming Communities in Morocco


Validation and Dissemination of Nutrient Expert for Farming Communities in Morocco

Theme: Precision Nutrient Management
4R4 Africa / RAFAD
Start Date: 2019
Category: Completed
End Date: 2021


The Nutrient Expert (NE) fertilizer decision support tool uses site-specific nutrient management principles to recommend appropriate source, rate and time of fertilizer application for a variety of crops. Previous to work built an extensive research program that developed and released a version of NE tailored for wheat in Morocco. This current project will focus on validating NE in wheat through on-farm trials conducted throughout the main wheat production region of Morocco. This work will also serve as a learning platform for extension agents and farmers. This project aims to demonstrate the impact of NE-based fertilizer recommendations on productivity and profits in wheat production in the region.

The progress and performance of NE recommendations vs. farmers fertilizer practices in wheat has also encouraged the start of new research focused on developing a version of NE for lentil in Morocco.



Supported by


Main Collaborators



2019 to 2022

Target Crops

Wheat, Lentil

Target Countries


Global Objective

Validation and dissemination of NE to improve nutrient best management practices based on 4R nutrient stewardship.

Activity 1: Development and validation of the NE tool for wheat.

Activity 2: Large-scale dissemination of NE for wheat with multiple stakeholders.

Activity 3: Training programs on NE for extension agents, fertilizer dealers and scientists.

Activity 4: Calibration and validation of NE for Lentil.

Activity 5: Development of extension and educational literature in French and Arabic languages to help upscale the use of NE.