P Pali

Dr. Pamela Pali

Senior Scientist
Dr. Pamela Pali is a Senior Scientist at the African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) based in Kenya.
  • EMAIL ADDRESS: p.pamela@apni.net

Dr. Pamela Pali is a socio economist who has worked in research organizations such as the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) where she worked as a Post Doctoral Fellow, ILRI as a scientist, IITA as a research and development coordinator and in CIAT as a research assistant. Her research has focussed on the areas of sustainable agricultural and livestock intensification systems where her main interests have been Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS), policies, institutions and markets, monitoring and evaluation, and project management.

More recently, as a consultant, she has been engaged in several short-term program and project evaluations in climate change and adaptation and mitigation, agricultural production, food value chains, gender, and youth with IFPRI, AWARD, FAO, ACIAR etc. She has also served as an external examiner for Gulu University under the Department of Rural Development and Agribusiness and for Makerere University under the Department of Extension and Innovation Studies. She has examined 7 MSc theses, 1 PhD thesis. She has supervised an MSc student from Wageningen University and PhD student from Makerere University. She has authored 14 scientific publications and has also been involved in the development of guidelines, strategy documents and reports in English and French.