Conscious of its potential, the APNI and Sokoine University of Agriculture have launched a project focused on fighting hidden hunger...
Fighting Hidden Hunger through Micronutrient Fertilization in Maize and Rice in Tanzania

Fighting Hidden Hunger through Micronutrient Fertilization in Maize and Rice in Tanzania (APNRF-Tanzania Micro)

Theme: Soil Health for Improved Livelihoods
4R4 Africa
Start Date: 2023
Category: Completed
End Date: 2024
Previous research exposed the potential of supplementation of Zn and Fe in increasing rice yields and quality. This project seeks to streamline micro-nutrient fertilization to guide micro-nutrient fertilizer formulations, increase agricultural productivity, and alleviate hidden hunger in line with APNRF themes.
Key Stakeholders
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Target Geography
Rice production regions of Tanzania