In-season Nitrogen Management for Wheat in Tunisia using Proximal and Remote Sensing (APNRF-Tunisia-Wheat)
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- 23 January, 2024
The project will test the possibility to develop satellite image-based models for nitrogen uptake in wheat in Tunisia, which can...
The Nutrient-Catalyzed Agricultural Transformation (NUTCAT) Project
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- 28 February, 2022
The Nutrient-Catalyzed Agricultural Transformation (NUTCAT) project is a collection of research and training programs focused on improving precision nutrient management...
Out-scaling 4R Nutrient Stewardship Knowledge to Support Intensive Olive Production in Tunisia
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- 01 April, 2020
This project intends to improve knowledge on optimization of the rates of NPK nutrients based on the 4R nutrient stewardship...
Out-Scaling 4R Nutrient Stewardship Knowledge to Support Crop Production North Africa
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- 01 April, 2020
This project is focusing on the development and delivering of knowledge on best nutrient management practices (BMPs) based on the...