An Introduction to the Uganda Coffee Green Carbon and Diversification Project

An Introduction to the Uganda Coffee Green Carbon and Diversification Project

Dr. James Mutegi, APNI Senior Scientist, offers an introduction to the on-going Uganda Coffee Carbon Project (UCCP Green Carbon) initiative aimed at integrating sustainable agricultural practices with carbon sequestration in Uganda’s coffee sector.

Here are some key takeaway messages :

  1. The Uganda Coffee Carbon Project (UCCP) is being implemented in the Ankole region of Uganda, involving the Ankole Coffee Cooperative Union. APNI plays a coordinating role in this project, particularly in the carbon research component.
  2. The main goals of the UCCP are to improve coffee productivity and quality and to provide farmers with diversified sources of income from their coffee systems.
  3. Another key objective of the project is to expand research on below-ground carbon. Unlike above-ground carbon, below-ground carbon has not been well understood, and there is currently no effective model for integrating it into carbon market calculations. By addressing this gap, APNI aims to help farmers benefit from soil carbon sequestration.
  4. Significant progress has been made in training the next generation of scientists. PhD and MSc students from Makerere University are working on areas like soil carbon dynamics, on-farm experimentation, and income diversification. Farmers in the region have been linked to markets for their diversified products through FarmDirect, and recent surveys show that farmers using these methods are making 50% more profit compared to those who did not.

A lot of progress has already been made. One of them is building the next generation of scientists who could support similar initiatives in Uganda. – James Mutegi

Click here to learn more about the project.